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The 2023 Australian Liveability Census provides a unique opportunity for YOU to have a say on the issues that matter most in our local neighbourhoods.
Whether it's more shops, parking, access to green spaces or improving public safety, your voice will help guide decision making and contribute to national research regarding liveability.

The Census is open until 30 June 2023 and all participants will have the chance to win one of 50 x $100 vouchers!

In 2021 over 32,000 responses were collected from people just like you, all across the country. This year the target is 50,000! So please join in and share with your family, friends and colleagues. In just 15 minutes you can have a positive impact on national, state or local planning and investment.

You can complete the survey in English, Arabic, Hindi or Mandarin.

Need some assistance?

For translation assistance please contact the Australian Government Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 and ask them to ring Camden Council on 13 Camden (13 226 336). The survey can be completed in English, Arabic, Hindi or Mandarin.

For hearing or speech assistance please contact the National Relay Service.

Who is undertaking this Census? Is it compulsory?

The 2023 Australian Liveability Census is being administered by Place Score on behalf of Camden Council and the Greater Cities Commission. It is not compulsory to complete the Census Survey but it's a great way to ensure your voice is heard.