Help us update the Camden Town Farm Masterplan!

We are refreshing the Camden Town Farm Masterplan and are seeking input from the community, users and other stakeholders. The updated masterplan will reflect significant projects undertaken and set the vision for the Farm into the future. We also want to identify areas of improvement to this valued heritage and open space asset for the Camden community and help support Council bids for funding improvements in the future.

We want to understand your experience with the Camden Town Farm

  • Does the Farm meet your expectation and needs?
  • Are there opportunities for improvement or change to the Farms current operations, access or use?
  • Did you know the Farm is open to the public?

Please complete the Survey or Quick Poll below by 2 April 2024.


Quick Poll

“The farm will be developed and maintained primarily for agricultural, tourism and educational purposes. It will be operated and managed in a sustainable manner that retains its unique character and encourages and facilitates community access, participati
Does the 2016 Vision still reflect your aspirations for Camden Town Farm?