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Council has developed a preliminary concept design for a purpose-built animal shelter, community nursery and community education hub at 55 Topham Road in Smeaton Grange.
The $10 million animal shelter and community education hub and $4 million community nursery projects are proudly funded by the NSW Government's Western Sydney Infrastructure Grants Program.
The new facility will provide care for stray, lost and unwanted animals and offer
community outreach programs that support a love of animals and nature. The site
will also house a Council-run nursery.
A first of its kind in the Camden area, the vision for the new facility is that it will:
- House, care for and support rescued animals in a safe, caring and no-kill environment until they find permanent homes;
- Establish a high-quality nursery facility to propagate and grow trees, shrubs and groundcover species for use in Council landscaping and restoration projects that are mainly local native species. While the nursery will not be accessible to the public on a day-to-day basis, plants will be made available to the community through regular plant giveaways;
- Present an inviting location for a range of engagement and education activities, including animal welfare and sustainability topics; and
- Be a sustainable, accessible and smart design that serves our community for many years.
Council intends to lodge a development application for the Animal Shelter and Community Nursery in mid-2024.
Subject to approvals, construction of the new facility is expected to commence mid-2025.
Meet the team 💬
Come along to our community drop-in information session on Wednesday 20 March. Attendees will be able to view the project’s concept design and staff will be available to answer any questions about the project.
- Wednesday 20 March
- 55 Topham Road, Smeaton Grange
- From 4-7pm
The concept designs will also be available to view at the Camden Show on 16 and 17 March 2024. For tickets and more information, visit
Have we missed something?
Please take some time to explore the detail of the concept design. If there's something we have missed, please add your thoughts to the Ideas Wall below.
Explore the concept design
Note: This concept design has been prepared for community consultation. The final design is subject to further site investigation works and project approvals. To zoom into the detail below please click on the arrows (upper right) or check out the PDF.

Ideas wall
What do you like about the concept plan? Anything else you'd like to see in the design?
NOTE: We've been responding to any questions asked and recording these in the FAQ section so others can see. Click on the FAQ tab above for the answers.
19 March, 2024
Freya says:
a great idea for the area.. definitely hoping it will be a no kill shelter working in conjunction with the many rescues in the area.
19 March, 2024
David says:
- The nursery should be open to the public and not be hidden behind the building
- It should connect to the native landscape and creek
18 March, 2024
Megan says:
I support this concept! Is there a process/allocated space for people to donate items for animals e.g. blankets, scratching posts, and toys?
17 March, 2024
Thomas W says:
You should have the nursery open to the public like Sutherland does. There's basically nowhere in SW Sydney that sells indigenous species
17 March, 2024
Bars says:
Hoping all the plants can be native and be a wide variety of plants, shrubs and trees especially those local to the area
17 March, 2024
Chris says:
Sydney Sheds and Garages is owned by long time Camden resident and located in Smeaton Grange
Send us the plans and we can quote to build
16 March, 2024
JB says:
What is the concept behind the after hours drop off point for dogs?
Why is there no equivalent for other animals?
16 March, 2024
Leanne Toland says:
With there be a sound barrier to drown out the dogs barking being so close to cats. To reduce stress on cats so they relax to get adopted.
11 March, 2024
CamdenEngagement says:
I like the plan for a shady and grassed dog exercise area.
- Why do we need a new animal shelter?
- Where is the current animal shelter?
- Did Council consult with the Animal Advisory Committee?
- How is the project funded?
- Will the community nursery open to the public?
- Will the community be able to access plants?
- Can we volunteer in the nursery?
- What sort of plants will be grown at the nursery?
- What kind of educational activities will be run from the facility?
- Will the shelter be a no kill shelter that works with local rescue organisations?
- What about landscaping?
- Can I donate items to the shelter?
- Will the nursery grow native plants?
- What is the concept behind the afterhours drop off point for dogs?
- Will there be a sound barrier between cats and dogs?