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Help finalise the Destination Management Plan

This is a plan for the entire ‘visitor economy’. This includes those visiting the Camden local government area now and into the future, not only for holidays and leisure, but also for business, study, and visiting friends and relatives.

Following consultation earlier this year, Camden Council has prepared a draft Destination Management Plan. The Plan provides a framework for Council to stimulate and support a vibrant and diversified visitor economy.

The Plan is on public exhibition from 22 November 2023 until midnight on 29 February 2024, with submissions sought during this time.

By providing feedback you will be able to help shape the future to create places with character and soul, develop attractions and tourism products, celebrate our area's rich identity, and facilitate industry growth.

Our Vision

Camden will realise its potential as a destination of choice, through a connected industry that provides engaging experiences for all visitors, and showcases our diverse cultural, heritage, and rural landscapes.


  1. Grow visitor yield and length of stay.
  2. Highlight the unique identities of Camden's visitor destinations.
  3. Improve industry cohesion and collaboration.
  4. Support destination amenity through planned and delivered infrastructure.


1. Create Vibrant and Activated Places

Improve the visitor experience by creating high amenity, engaging places, and capturing and celebrating unique characters.

2. Drive Demand and Yield

Encourage investment in products, experiences, and attractions that will motivate a broad range of visitors.

3. Strengthen Brand and Showcase Unique Identities

Develop a strong brand identity and improve destination awareness through events, culture, marketing, and promotion.

4. Facilitate Industry Growth and Collaboration

Facilitate the delivery of hard and soft infrastructure that will enable industry growth and foster cohesion and collaboration.

The Destination Management Plan has been informed by significant research and consultation.

The following process was undertaken to inform the development of the Plan.

Stage One: Background Research and Analysis

  • Review of 15+ documents
  • Research into target and growth markets
  • Site visits to key centres and attractions
  • Product audits inventorying top attractions, supporting products, events, and infrastructure

Stage Two: Stakeholder Engagement

  • Business and Community Survey
  • Three in-region industry workshops
  • Workshop with Council’s Advisory Committees
  • Two Council workshops
  • Ten one-on-one stakeholder engagement meetings, including Western Parkland City Authority, Western Sydney International Airport, and the Tharawal Local Aboriginal Land Council.

Once finalised, the Plan will help Council to work collaboratively across government and industry to guide the visitor economy over the next five years and realise Camden’s potential across a range of market opportunities.

Consider the detail

Please take some time to look through the draft Plan and consider how we plan to achieve the vision and objectives of the Destination Management Plan.

Download a copy:

Printed copies of the Plan can also be accessed at the following locations:

  • Camden Library: 40/44 John St, Camden
  • Oran Park Library: 72 Central Ave, Oran Park
  • Narellan Library: cnr Queen and Elyard Streets, Narellan
  • Camden Visitor Information Centre: 46 Camden Valley Way, Elderslie
  • Camden Civic Centre: Oxley St, Camden
  • Alan Baker Art Gallery: 37 John St, Camden
  • Council Administration Building: 70 Central Ave, Camden

View the plan

Share your thoughts

Your feedback will be taken into account as we review and prepare the final version of the Plan for Camden Council to adopt.

Share your thoughts by 29 February 2024, using any of the following methods:

  • an online submission form - provided below ↓
  • written submission via letter to Camden Council, PO Box 183, Camden NSW 2570
  • written submission via email to