Project Update: June 2024
Nepean River Trail Opening
You are invited to attend the official opening event for the newly developed Nepean River Trail on Sunday 16 June 2024.
Project Update: April 2023
Thanks to those people who made a submission and shared information!
Following the public exhibition period, all feedback was compiled and reported to the Council meeting held on Tuesday 11 April 2023. Council resolved to adopt the Concept Masterplan as per attachment 1 of the Council report - Agenda of Ordinary Council - Tuesday, 11 April 2023 ( (ORD04 - page 46).
The minutes and details on the related resolution can be found in Minutes of Ordinary Council - Tuesday, 11 April 2023 ( (ORD04 - page 5).
In summary, feedback received during the public exhibition period included:
- Requests for accessible and shorter pathway options;
- Provision of seating, picnic areas, water station, kayak entry points, exercise equipment and shade;
- Inclusion of a children’s play area and skatepark;
- Ensuring connection to First Nations people;
- Increased tree planting;
- The need for flood resistant infrastructure;
- Accessibility and signage;
- Restriction on dogs at the facility;
- Need for diverse parking options; and
- Ensure public art is fitting with the character of the area.
In response to the feedback, the following elements have now been included in the draft Masterplan:
- Pathway network to be 2.5 metres wide where possible;
- Shorter walking loop options to provide choice;
- Additional tree planting;
- Wayfinding, educational and interpretive signage;
- Additional seating has been included;
- Inclusion of water stations;
- Outdoor fitness equipment near the cricket facility at Ferguson’s land; and
- Dogs are not permitted in the Camden Town Farm however will be permitted on leash in the remaining sections.
The inclusion of a play space and skate park are unable to be accommodated in the Masterplan as these facilities are not directly aligned with the character and intent of the project.
Help us to create a continuous riverside recreational network that enhances Camden’s relationship with the Nepean River.
We're planning to enhance community connection with the iconic Nepean River.
Our proposal includes:
- Provision of a recreational network that will complete missing links and create several route options that connect the Nepean River to Camden's main street via the Camden Town Farm, Fergusons Land and the Camden Bicentennial Equestrian Park
- Viewing platforms along the Nepean River
- A public art trail
- Heritage and environmental interpretation along the route
- Works to support the agricultural operations at the Camden Town Farm such as fencing and stock gates
- Landscaping works including tree planting
- Park furniture and wayfinding signage
- Exercise equipment to support active recreation at Fergusons Land cricket facility
Learn more
There is much to consider so we are offering a number of ways for you to explore and learn more about the proposal including:
- Concept plans - Network Concept Proposal (PDF 5.3MB) and interactive below to further explain where features could be located.
- Frequently Asked Questions - we've anticipated likely questions and provided answers.
- Displays at our Camden, Oran Park and Narellan libraries
- Site Visit on Wednesday 14 December at Camden Town Farm - Drop in to chat with the project team between 3pm and 5pm.
Tell us what you think
The concept proposal is being publicly exhibited between 25 November and 30 January 2023. During this time we welcome feedback on the plan using the online submission form and quick poll provided below.
To be kept informed as this project progresses please click on +FOLLOW at the top of the page.
Indicative Layout
The plan below provides an indication of the likely layout and features. It has been prepared for community consultation and grant application purposes. Please take a look and share your thoughts.

Thanks for taking an interest.
There are two online options provided to capture your feedback by 13 January 2023:
- Complete a submission form ↴
- Rate the proposal by using the Quick Poll ↴
Quick Poll
Having taken a look at the Nepean River connections proposal, please indicate your level of support:
This poll has concluded.
- Support 94% (16 votes)
- Unsure 6% (1 vote)
- Don't support 0% (0 votes)
Frequently Asked Questions
We've anticipated some of the questions likely to be asked by the community and provided responses below.
If you can't find the answer to your question please email or contact our Sport and Recreation Planning Team on (02) 4645 5186.
In May 2021 Council received notice of its successful application to the Public Spaces Legacy Program (PSLP) with a view to delivering a project which enhances Camden’s connection with the Nepean River.
The aim of the project is to unlock public land for recreation and quality open space to build a sustainable, inclusive and happy community.
A concept plan has been developed, which creates a public walk to connect with the existing Miss Llewella Davies Pioneer Walkway at the Camden Town Farm and walks at the Camden Bicentennial Equestrian Park and Camden Town Centre.
The project scope and concept plan has been approved by the Department of Planning and Environment who administer the Public Spaces Legacy Program grant for the Linking Camden Town Centre to the Nepean River project.
Project inclusions.
- Provision of a recreational network that will complete missing links and create several route options that connect the Nepean River to Camden's main street via the Camden Town Farm, Fergusons Land and the Camden Bicentennial Equestrian Park
- Viewing platforms along the Nepean River
- A public art trail
- Heritage and environmental interpretation along the route
- Works to support the agricultural operations at the Camden Town Farm such as fencing and stock gates
- Landscaping works including tree planting
- Park furniture and wayfinding signage
- Exercise equipment to support active recreation at Fergusons Land cricket facility
A draft concept plan has been prepared following extensive consultation with Camden Town Farm stakeholders and Fergusons Land user groups and is a visual representation provided to indicate the likely location of features, proposed uses and place specific priorities.
Council has consulted with key local stakeholders including the Camden Town Farm, Fergusons Land user groups, Camden Heritage Advisory Group and is also seeking feedback from Tharawal Local Land Council.
We are now seeking input from the broader community before progressing with detailed designs.
Yes, the public art and heritage interpretation components will be subject to future specific consultation as further information on these items is developed.
In May 2021 Council received notice of its successful application to the Public Spaces Legacy Program, run by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment.
Camden Council was awarded $5.1m through this grant program. All costs associated with the project will be covered by the NSW Government grant.
No, the project will be broken down into related portions such as tree planting and landscaping works, fencing works, pathway works, public art and interpretation works and delivered by specialist contractors.
Council is required as part of the funding agreement to commence construction works in February 2023 and conclude by December 2023.
Community members can speak to Council staff to discuss any issues related to the scope of works, concept plan or project delivery or outcomes by:
- Meeting us on site at Camden Town Farm on Wednesday 14 December 2022 between 3pm and 5pm.
- Email to
- Calling (02) 4654 7777
- Writing to Camden Council, PO Box 183, Camden NSW 2570
The concept plan can be viewed online here or to see it in person please visit:
- Customer Service Centre, 70 Central Avenue, Oran Park
- Oran Park Library, 72 Central Avenue, Oran Park
- Camden Library, 40 John Street, Camden
- Narellan Library, corner Queen and Elyard Streets, Narellan
If you would like to provide a written comment about this project, send your submission to Camden Council from Friday 18 November 2022 until Friday 13 January 2022 via:
- Online Submission Form
- Email to or
- Letter to Camden Council, PO Box 183, Camden NSW 2570
Council is seeking feedback, comment, and ideas on the draft concept plan. At the conclusion of the public exhibition period all comments and feedback will be provided to Council and collated for review and consideration. A report to Council will be tabled in early 2023.
To be kept informed as this project progresses please click on +FOLLOW at the top of the page.
We will be embracing open space as the canvas for a public art trail along the Nepean River and will take some time to explore options in early 2023.
It is anticipate that accessible authentic art could be designed to reflect local history, people and agriculture through contemporary flood markers, wayfinding, seating etc.
A requirement will be to ensure flood sensitive design of any proposed installation.
Please +Follow this page to be notified of opportunities to take part in this next stage of consultation. Further information about our policy for public art and artist registration can be found at Camden Council Public Art »