We're developing a Resilience Plan

Resilient cities are those that can prepare for, recover from, and adapt to both shocks—sudden, short-term events like flooding, bushfires or heatwaves—and stresses, which are ongoing challenges such as financial or housing pressures, social isolation or limited transport options.

Camden Council is developing a Resilience Plan to strengthen our community’s preparedness, response, and recovery from these shocks and stresses. This includes natural disasters like flooding and heatwaves, the rising cost of living and the impacts of rapid population growth. The Plan will provide a roadmap for how we can support each other and thrive.

Get Involved

Help us identify our strengths and challenges in preparing for, responding to and recovering from challenges. Together, we can create a stronger, more connected and more resilient Camden.

Share your thoughts and experience with us

We've developed a Community Survey to gather information which will be used to guide the formation of our Resilience Plan.

💥 We are offering the opportunity to win one of ten $100 EFTPOS gift vouchers as thanks for the time it will take you to complete the survey. Simply complete all of the questions and indicate that you'd like to enter. Terms and conditions apply for the incentive competition.


Purpose: Collect information which will be used to inform the preparation of a Resilience Plan.
Recipients: All responses will remain anonymous and be decoded for use by Cred Consulting and Camden Council to deliver a Resilience Plan. Camden Council may also use the information to inform other projects and measure our Community Wellbeing Indicators. Your personal information will be kept confidential and contact details only used for the purpose of notifying competition winners. See our Privacy Management Plan and Competition Terms and Conditions.
Supply: Voluntary.
Access/Correction: Contact Camden Council by calling (02) 4654 7777, visit 70 Central Avenue Oran Park NSW or write to PO Box 183, Camden NSW 2570

Storage: Responses are stored by Council's record management system in line with our privacy management plan and temporarily stored on a third-party service called Social Pinpoint ( terms of use and privacy policy).