Greening our Community

Love your trees and help us to create a greener, cooler and liveable community.

Frequently Asked Questions

An urban forest comprises all trees and vegetation – and the soils and water that support them – in an urban area. These components are strategically planned, designed, and managed to support resilience and wellbeing. (Definition from NSW Greener Neighbourhoods Guide)

Urban forests are needed for combatting urban heat, maintaining amenity, providing habitat, improving liveability and providing ecosystem services.

Our strategy will align with:

  • Greater Sydney Region Plan - A Metropolis of Three Cities
  • Greater Sydney Commission Western District Plan
  • Urban Green Cover Technical Guidelines
  • Greener Places Design Guide
  • Greener Neighbourhoods Guide
  • Western Sydney Street Design Guidelines

This strategy is being funded through the NSW Government Greener Neighbourhoods Grant Program. In 2022, the program awarded $1.37 million to 28 councils across Greater Sydney to deliver 32 projects. This funding will help Camden strategically plan for and manage our urban forests through the development of an Urban Forest Strategy 2023-2023.

At Camden Council we value our trees highly. Trees are important for a variety of environmental, social and economic reasons. They add character to our landscape, preserve biodiversity, and provide shade, shelter and habitat for fauna.

Currently Council plants 500 to 1000 trees each year and manages more than 2000 customer requests.

Liveable Streets video provided by Inner West Council.

Contact Us

To ask a question or learn more please contact :

Name Luke Peacock - Senior Urban Tree Projects Officer
Phone 13 Camden (13 226336)
In writing

PO Box 183, Camden NSW 2570

For translation assistance please use the translation tool at the top of the page or contact the Australian Government Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 and ask them to ring Camden Council on 13 226 336.

For hearing or speech assistance please contact the National Relay Service.