The Biodiversity Strategy 2023 was adopted by Council at its meeting on 14 February 2023.
The Strategy builds on the previous strategy that was adopted in 2013 to continue the long-term protection, enhancement and management of biodiversity in the LGA. It reflects the significant changes in land use and legislation that have occurred and the challenges and pressures related to the ongoing development of the Camden LGA.
The Strategy sets out the framework for biodiversity conservation in Camden with actions arranged under four key themes:
- Caring for biodiversity – the technical studies and on-ground actions required to identify, protect, enhance and manage natural areas and values.
- Planning to protect biodiversity – providing for the protection of biodiversity through land use planning.
- Community and stewardship – recognising the essential role our community and Council has in caring and advocating for biodiversity.
- Improving knowledge – recognising that improving our understanding of natural values and the pressures on these will better enable us to protect biodiversity.
The Biodiversity Strategy 2023 is available for download on Council’s website.
If you have any questions please contact the Sustainability Team at Council on 13 Camden (13 226 336) or email