The draft Pondicherry Planning Agreement seeks to deliver the required infrastructure to service the future community. It is valued at approximately $205 million for works, land dedication and monetary contributions.

The proposed infrastructure includes:

  • Local parks (active and passive) land dedication and works;
  • Community centre land dedication and facility;
  • Road works, bridge works, shared paths and land dedication;
  • Riparian corridor land dedication, works and embellishment; and
  • Stormwater drainage works and land dedication, including Pondicherry Lake.

The draft Planning Agreement excludes the area of Tranche 41. This has a separate Planning Agreement and can be seen here.

Supporting Documentation

You may also find the associated Council reports and resolution of interest:

Exhibition Period

17 April to 17 May 2024.

Share your thoughts

Please take a look at the draft documents and make a submission by 5pm, Friday 17 May 2024.

Submissions can be made:

  • Using the online submission form (below);
  • By post to the General Manager, Attention Contributions Planning Team, Camden Council, PO Box 183 Camden NSW 2570; or
  • Via email to

The submission form includes a document upload for additional supporting information.

Any submissions received are considered public, however, a person may request to have their personal details suppressed.

Submission form