ON EXHIBITION: 17 August to 14 September 2023

Camden Council has endorsed public exhibition of a proposal to amend the Oran Park Turner Road Contributions Plan.

Please take a look at the detail and share your thoughts on the proposal.


The Oran Park Turner Road Contributions Plan was initially adopted in February 2008 and applied to all land in the Oran Park and Turner Road precincts, located in the northern part of the Camden local government area.

Amendments to the Contributions Plan

The following changes are proposed:

  • Renaming of the Oran Park Turner Road Contributions Plan to 'Oran Park Contributions Plan';
  • Retirement of the Turner Road portion, as most of the precinct is complete;
  • Updates reflecting the current development context and infrastructure delivery;
  • Updates to ensure the plan is consistent with legislation and Council policies; and
  • Correction of grammatical and formatting errors or inconsistencies.

Another major amendment proposed includes the removal of land and works associated with the open space areas known as treed hilltop parks, in the Oxley Ridge precinct. These portions are highlighted in the Draft Oran Park Contributions Plan works schedules and maps in the Document Library. The reasons for removing this land are:

  • They provide limited value to the community as open space;
  • The topography makes them prone to landslip, which poses a risk to people and property; and
  • The engineering solution to mitigate the land slip risk imposes a significant maintenance burden on Council.

Supporting Documentation

All supporting documentation can be accessed via the the Document Library on the sidebar.

Printed versions of the documents are also publicly available for viewing throughout the exhibition period at:

  • Council’s Customer Service Counter at 70 Central Avenue, Oran Park; and
  • Our libraries in Oran Park, Camden and Narellan.

    Share your thoughts

    All submissions must be received by 14 September 2023.

    Submissions can be made:

    • using the online submission form (below) ↓
    • via email to mail@camden.nsw.gov.au
    • by post to the Contributions Planning Team, Camden Council, PO Box 183 Camden NSW 2570

    Please include the following information in your submission:

    • Your name, street and postal addresses, contact telephone number and email address;
    • Your thoughts about the documents on exhibition;
    • Reference the Plan / Policy your submission is about

    Any submissions received are considered public, however, a person may request to have their personal details suppressed.