
Voluntary Planning Agreement 143-149 Ingleburn Road, Leppington

21 March 2023

Voluntary Planning Agreement

143-149 Ingleburn Road, Leppington

The site at 143-149 Ingleburn Road, Leppington has two active Development Application (DA) consents for the combined creation of 60 residential lots. The proponent for the site provided a letter of offer to Camden Council requesting that a Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) for the dedication of drainage and open space land within their site be considered.

Camden Council considered this proposal on 14 March 2023 and resolved to place the matter on public exhibition for a period of 28 days. The associated Council report and VPA are provided below.

Exhibition period: 21 March to 11 April 2023

At the conclusion of the exhibition period, any unresolved submissions received will be reported back to Council for consideration. If no unresolved submissions are received during the exhibition period, the draft VPA will be executed.


Under the provisions of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, Council has the power to require development contributions toward the cost of providing services and facilities to meet the demand generated by the development. Council has a number of Contributions Plans that require contributions toward the provision of open space, recreation facilities, community facilities, roads, drainage and other community infrastructure.

Voluntary Planning Agreements provide opportunities for developers to deliver infrastructure for the community much earlier than Council would often be able to achieve, as they are already constructing works on site. By constructing works, developers can offset the development contributions they would otherwise be required to pay to Council.

This agreement applies to all requests to carry out works in full or part satisfaction of conditions of consent requiring development contributions to be made to Council.

Supporting Documentation

Printed versions of the documents are also publicly available for viewing throughout the exhibition period at:

  • Council’s customer service counter at 70 Central Avenue, Oran Park
  • our libraries in Oran Park, Camden and Narellan

Share your thoughts

Please take a look at the associated documents and make a submission by 5pm Tuesday 11 April 2023.

You can share your thoughts by:

  • Using the online submission form (below)
  • Mail to the General Manager, Attention Patricia Sim, Camden Council, PO Box 183 Camden NSW 2570
  • Email to