We're investigating how we can enhance John Street, to make it a vibrant, creative, community hub.

In 2017, people and businesses shared their aspirations for the Camden Town Centre as part of the development of the Camden Town Centre Urban Design Framework. At this time, John Street was identified as a future creative and community hub for Camden, and improvements to support this vision were identified as a priority project for our community.

Now, thanks to significant funding by the NSW Government's Western Sydney Infrastructure Grants Program, we are in a position to actively plan for this project, which will see investment in the John Street Precinct between Broughton and Exeter Streets.

Council recognises that John Street is an important space for the Camden community, and the success of the project relies on input from residents, visitors, businesses and property owners in the Camden Town Centre. That is why we are committed to providing numerous opportunities for engagement as we progress.

We will soon be inviting you to get involved. Please click +Follow above so we can stay in touch.

Aerial image of John Street
Photos looking east and west along John Street