Camden Council is seeking community representatives to become members of its Local Planning Panel (LPP).
The LPP, which consists of three independent state appointed experts and one representative from the Camden community, is responsible for the determination of applications for a diverse and interesting range of developments. The LPP is also responsible for providing advice on rezoning applications.
Expressions of Interest are sought from a mix of people who live locally to join our pool of community representatives. Community representatives perform an important role injecting local understanding and a community perspective into the decision-making process.
This is a part time, paid role and membership of the LPP will be for up to 3 years.
Please familiarise yourself with the selection criteria and Local Planning Panel operation before submitting an Expression of Interest (EOI).
The closing date for nominations has been extended to 5pm Friday 29 April 2022.
An online EOI form is provided below which includes the option to upload a CV.
Selection Criteria
Local community representatives may be selected on the basis that they:
- are current residents within the Camden Local Government Area (LGA);
- have an understanding of the LGA and issues of concern to the local community;
- have the capacity to form independent views and to contribute constructively to the determination of applications;
- are able to demonstrate a basic level of understanding of the planning system (i.e. knowledge of the council’s local environmental plan, development control plan, local strategic planning statement or community strategic plan);
- are committed to:
- following the Code of Conduct for Local Planning Panel Members and the Local Planning Panels Operational Procedures; and
- attending local planning panel meetings and completing panel business in required timeframes.
NOTE: Councillors, property developers and real estate agents are not eligible to apply.
For more information about the Camden Local Planning Panel visit or contact Jamie Erken (Manager Statutory Planning) on (02) 4645 5631.