Submissions are currently sought by Camden Council for Planning Proposal - PP/2021/1/1.
This proposal seeks an amendment to the Growth Centres SEPP to facilitate an increase the maximum building height for residential development surrounding Oran Park House and accompanying DCP amendment.
Summary of Proposed Amendments
This Planning Proposal seeks to make amendments to:
- Appendix 9 of the State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Region Growth Centres) 2006 (Growth Centres SEPP); and
- Development controls within the Camden Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan - Schedule 4 Catherine Field (Part) Precinct (DCP).
This Planning Proposal seeks to insert a new additional local provision clause into Appendix 9 of the Growth Centres SEPP (proposed clause 6.9) to facilitate an increase to the maximum building height for certain residential development surrounding the State-listed heritage item, Oran Park House, up to 7m. The relevant Height of Building maps will be amended to reflect the land the proposed clause 6.9 applies.
The proposed amendments to the DCP include changes to the:
- Building height controls to reference the new proposed Additional Local Provision clause;
- Setback controls, including application of minimum side setback boundary of 4m (combined) between neighbouring properties to 4m (combined) achieved on individual allotments;
- Subdivision controls, including changing the application of the 20m minimum lot frontage for residential development from all land within the heritage curtilage to only land identified as 'very low density residential';
- Residential built form, deleting the requirement for the development to be built by one builder;
- Clarifying dwellings on corner lots must be designed to address both street frontages;
- Amending an objective for lofts, attic rooms and dormer windows; and
- Minor administrative amendments.
Background Information
On 12 October 2021, Camden Council resolved to proceed with a Planning Proposal to amend Growth Centres SEPP and the proposed changes to development controls within the DCP.
On the 12 December 2021, the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) issued a Gateway Determination to progress the Planning Proposal to public exhibition. The proposal is now exhibited in accordance with the Gateway Requirements and Council's Community Participation Plan.
Exhibition period: 9 February to 9 March 2022
Supporting Documentation
The Planning Proposal and documents accompanying the proposal are publicly available for the duration of the exhibition period.
- Notice of Public Exhibition - Planning Proposal PP/2021/1/1 - Proposed increase to the maximum building height for residential development surrounding Oran Park House
- Appendices 1 to 3 - Assessment against Strategic Plans, SEPPs and s9.1 Ministerial Directions
- Appendix 4 - Proposed SEPP Height of Building maps
- Appendix 5 - Camden Local Planning Panel Minutes - 21 September 2021
- Appendix 6 - Camden Council Pre-Gateway Meeting Report and Minutes - 12 October 2021
- Appendix 7 - Proposed amendments to Camden Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan (DCP) - Schedule 4
- Appendix 8 - Heritage Assessment and Evaluation Report - Tropman and Tropman Architects
- Appendix 9 - General Terms of Approval - Heritage NSW
- Appendix 10 - Oran Park House Heritage Exemption Guidelines
- Appendix 11 - Oran Park House Conservation Management Plan
- Appendix 12 - DPIE Gateway Determination - 12 December 2021
- PP/2021/1/1 - Frequently Asked Questions Fact Sheet
Share your thoughts
All submissions must be received by 5pm on 9 March 2022 and quote reference number PP/2021/1/1.
Submissions can be made:
- using the online submission form (below) ↓
- by post to the General Manager, Attention Kerri-Ann Barry, Camden Council, PO Box 183 Camden NSW 2570
- via email to