Feedback is sought on the following Planning Proposals

Click on the links below to learn more about each proposal. If you would like to be notified when another exhibition commences click on 'Follow' at the top of the page.
  • There are no current exhibitions

During the exhibition period any person, community group, organisation or public agency may make a submission to Council concerning a Planning Proposal. Submissions can be made by completing the online form, sending an email or posting a letter.

Submissions must clearly indicate the name, address daytime contact telephone number and email address (where available) of the person making the submission and clearly specify the grounds of the submission.

Council's Community Participation Plan provides information about how public exhibition submissions will be considered and used in the process.

  • PP/2022/9/1 | Draft Planning Proposal to amend planning controls to enable the future development of a vehicle repair station at 3 Emerald Hills Boulevard, Leppington.
  • PP/2021/4/1 | Draft Planning Proposal to amend State Environmental Planning Policy (Precincts - Western Parkland City) 2021 to rezone land in the Pondicherry Precinct.
  • PP 2021/14/1 | Draft Planning Proposal to amend State Environmental Planning Policy (Precincts - Western Parkland City) 2021 to amend the Lowes Creek Maryland Indicative Layout Plan.
  • PP/2021/10/2 | This proposal sought to amend planning controls that apply to the site at 229 Macquarie Grove Road, Cobbitty (Mater Dei/Wivenhoe) / A Lee and A McKellar Streets, Cobbitty The aim of the Planning Proposal is to apply land use zones that are in keeping with the current uses on the site and to facilitate the separation of the Mater Dei School, Aspect School, Conservation Lands and Convent Precinct onto separate allotments.
  • PP/2022/6/1 | This proposal seeks an amendment to the Camden Local Environmental Plan 2010 to rezone 5 Towra Court and 5, 7, 9 Davy Court, Harrington Park from R5 Large Lot Residential to R2 Low Density Residential and SP2 Infrastructure (Drainage) with related amendments to applicable lot size standards.
  • PP2022/9/1 | This Planning Proposal sought to amend planning controls to enable the future development of a vehicle repair station at 3 Emerald Hills Boulevard, Leppington.
  • PP/2022/2/1 | This proposal sought to permit ‘animal boarding or training establishments’ as an additional permitted use at 55 Topham Road, Smeaton Grange. A Planning Proposal is required as the site is zoned IN1 General Industrial which prohibits animal boarding or training establishments. On exhibition 16 December 2022 to 6 February 2023.
  • PP/2022/1/1 | Public exhibition of planning proposal relating to land at Abercrombie Place, Harrington Park. Seeks an amendment to the Camden LEP 2010 to increase the minimum lot size standard and amend the boundaries of the R5 Large Lot Residential and C2 Environmental Conservation zones for land at Abercrombie Place, Harrington Park. On exhibition 17 October to 13 November 2022.
  • PP/2021/3/1 | Draft Planning Proposal submitted by a private proponent for Sub-Precinct 2 of the South Creek West Precinct (also known as Belmore Road Precinct) within the South West Growth Area seeks to rezone the land to facilitate a new residential neighbourhood. Initial notification exhibition 22 August to 3 October 2022.
  • PP/2021/12/1 - Proposed Narellan Town Centre hotel and entertainment precinct, 321-339 Camden Valley Way, Narellan. Initial notification exhibition 22 August to 5 September 2022.
  • PP/2021/11/1 - an amendment to the Camden LEP 2010 to introduce a provision to permit subdivision of a public road as exempt development, for the purposes of road closure. Open to 22 August 2022
  • PP/2021/9/1 - 353 Narellan Road, Currans Hill. Initial notification exhibition 13 to 27 July 2022
  • PP/2021/8/1 - South Creek West Precinct 5 (Cobbitty-Bringelly) initially notified until 13 July 2022
  • P/2021/14/1 - Birling (975 The Northern Road, Bringelly initially notified exhibition 8 to 21 July 2022
  • Planning Proposal - PP/2020/1/1 - 5 Smalls Road, Grasmere (Carrington Park). Exhibited 28 March to 22 April 2022.
  • Planning Proposal – PP/2022/2/1 - 55 Topham Road, Smeaton Grange. Exhibited 4 April to 20 April 2022
  • Planning Proposal - PP/2021/10/1 - 229 Macquarie Grove Road, Cobbitty (Mater Dei/Wivenhoe). Exhibited 28 March to 11 April 2022.
  • Planning Proposal - PP/2021/1/1 seeking an amendment to the Growth Centres SEPP to facilitate an increase the maximum building height for residential development surrounding Oran Park House and accompanying DCP amendment. Exhibited 9 February to 9 March 2022.
  • Planning Proposal - PP/2018/8/1 seeking to rezone land at Kontista Street, Batavia Avenue and Capparis Lane in Leppington. Exhibited 9 February to 9 March 2022.

A disclosure statement of a reportable political donation or gift must accompany a submission if the reportable donation or gift is made within 2 years before the submission is made.

A reportable political donation is a donation of:

  • $1,000 or more made to or for the benefit of the party, elected member, group or candidate; or
  • $1,000 or more made by a major political donor to or for the benefit of a party, elected member, group or candidate, or made to the major political donor; or
  • Less than $1,000 if the aggregated total of the donations made by the entity or person to the same party, elected member, group, candidate or person within the same financial year (ending 30 June) is $1,000 or more.

If you have, this must be declared using the Disclosure Statement - Political Donations-Gifts.doc and submitted to Camden Council via or post to PO Box 183, Camden NSW 2570

Contact Us

Have a question or would like to learn more? Please contact our team:

Name Strategic Planning Branch
Phone 13 Camden (13 226 336)
In writing

PO Box 183, Camden NSW 2570

For translation assistance please contact the Australian Government Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 and ask them to ring Camden Council on 13 226 336.

For hearing or speech assistance please contact the National Relay Service at and provide them with the Camden Council contact number 13 226 336.

Voice your thoughts

Do you support or oppose? Is there something we should take into consideration when reviewing these planning proposals?