Submissions are currently sought by Camden Council for Planning Proposal - PP/2021/11/1.
This proposal seeks an amendment to the Camden Local Environmental Plan 2010 (Camden LEP 2010) to introduce a provision to permit subdivision of a public road as exempt development, for the purposes of road closure.
Summary of Proposed Amendments
This Planning Proposal seeks to make amendments to:
- Schedule 2 Exempt Development of the Camden Local Environmental Plan 2010
This Planning Proposal seeks to add a new clause into Schedule 2 Exempt Development of Camden LEP 2010 to permit subdivision of a public road as exempt development, for the purpose of road closure.
Background Information
On 10 May 2022, Camden Council resolved to proceed with a Planning Proposal to amend Camden Local Environmental Plan 2010.
On 8 July 2022, the NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) issued a Gateway Determination to progress the Planning Proposal to public exhibition. The proposal is now exhibited in accordance with the Gateway Requirements and Council's Community Participation Plan.
Supporting Documentation
The Planning Proposal and documents accompanying the proposal are publicly available for the duration of the exhibition period. Refer to the Document Library.
Share your thoughts
All submissions must be received by 22 AUGUST 2022 and quote reference number PP/2021/11/1.
Submissions can be made:
- using the online submission form (below) ↓
- by post to the General Manager, Attention: Namika Parajuli, Camden Council, PO Box 183 Camden NSW 2570
- via email to