But you can still get involved.
Thank you to everyone who participated. The preliminary community engagement program gathered a diverse range of thoughts and ideas that are summarised in the Project Narellan Engagement Report (PDF, 3.2 MB).
These insights informed the development of the draft Project Narellan Vision and Action Plan, which is on public exhibition from 12 February to 9 April 2025.
Where to from here?
- Scroll down to view the archived preliminary community engagement page.
- Click on the following link to learn more about the current stage of the project, the draft Project Narellan Vision and Action Plan.
'Project Narellan' is reimagining the vision for Narellan.
The first stage of this project is 'Shaping Our Future', where we want to hear from you so we can develop a shared vision that will be refined into a masterplan to guide the centre's development.
Narellan has been designated as one of six 'Strategic Centres' in the Greater Sydney Commission’s Western City District Plan due to its potential to provide growth and a range of employment to support the local population, including knowledge-intensive jobs.
Actions in the District Plan specific to Narellan are to:
- investigate the capacity of key infrastructure to support additional growth,
- undertake an urban design review for the centre and review planning controls, and
- review the vision for the Narellan Centre.
This project is being led by Council and will establish a vision for the area as a future Strategic Centre.
Strategic centres vary in size, location and mix of activities. They enable access to a wide range of goods, services and jobs. Strategic centres are expected to accommodate high levels of private sector investment, enabling them to grow and evolve. They will become increasingly important parts of the region’s structure.
'Upzoning' suggests statutory changes to allow taller and/or denser buildings.
While Camden Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) seeks to strengthen the strategic centre of Narellan, it notes that Narellan's capacity to support additional growth is restricted by the lack of certainty around the delivery, timing and location of the proposed rail line. Further, Principle 7 of the LSPS expresses that additional housing growth in existing suburbs and centres outside of the SWGA is incremental with additional growth only initiated by additional infrastructure delivery.
As such, there is no certainty that this project will result in changes to allow taller and/or denser buildings.
Council officers will analyse feedback gathered through this preliminary community engagement process to form an evidence base and develop a Place Strategy.
The purpose of the Place Strategy is to provide a masterplan for the re-development of the Narellan Strategic Centre over time and to underpin any amendments to the LEP and DCP.
In developing a vision, Council will undertake a review of the existing land uses and planning controls to identify appropriate land use mixes and potential capacity to facilitate job and housing growth. This process will ensure that planning policies appropriately support the development of this Strategic Centre.
Council will review Narellan's existing planning controls as part of Project Narellan. Any future proposed controls will be publicly exhibited before being considered by Council.
Council is developing a new, shared vision for Narellan that considers its role as a Strategic Centre.
To open up possibilities in this new vision, we want to understand your various experiences.
Is there something about Narellan that you love? An element that we can build upon or preserve?
Or is there something in Narellan that causes you concern?
Your feedback is vital in shaping the vision of a future Narellan.