Archive of public exhibitions related to contributions planning.
A listing of these activities is provided below for the period commencing September 2021.
For further information please contact the Contributions Planning Team on 13 226 336.
Draft Cobbitty Planning Agreement
Exhibition period: 17 April - 17 May 2024
The draft Cobbitty Planning Agreement seeks to deliver the required infrastructure to service the future community. It is valued at approximately $61 million for works, land dedication and monetary contributions.
The proposed infrastructure includes:
- Local passive parks land dedication and works;
- Road works, bridge works, shared paths and land dedication
- Riparian corridor land dedication and works;
- Monetary contribution towards community facility; and
- Monetary contributions towards active open space.
Supporting Documentation
You may also find the associated Council reports and resolution of interest:
- Report – Ordinary Council Report – 9 April 2024 (PDF, 1.6 MB)
- Minutes – Minutes of Ordinary Council – 9 April 2024 (PDF, 338 KB)
Please take a look at the draft documents and make a submission by 5pm, Friday 17 May 2024.
Draft Pondicherry Planning Agreement
Exhibition period: 17 April - 17 May 2024
The draft Pondicherry Planning Agreement seeks to deliver the required infrastructure to service the future community. It is valued at approximately $205 million for works, land dedication and monetary contributions.
The proposed infrastructure includes:
- Local parks (active and passive) land dedication and works;
- Community centre land dedication and facility;
- Road works, bridge works, shared paths and land dedication;
- Riparian corridor land dedication, works and embellishment; and
- Stormwater drainage works and land dedication, including Pondicherry Lake.
The draft Planning Agreement excludes the area of Tranche 41. This has a separate Planning Agreement and can be seen here.
Supporting Documentation
- Draft Pondicherry Planning Agreement (PDF, 1.6 MB)
You may also find the associated Council reports and resolution of interest:
- Report – Ordinary Council Report – 9 April 2024 (PDF, 1.19 MB)
- Minutes – Minutes of Ordinary Council – 9 April 2024 (PDF, 356 KB)
Please take a look at the draft documents and make a submission by 5pm, Friday 17 May 2024.
Growth Areas Contribution Plan - Amendment 4
Exhibition period: 22 November 2023 to 6 February 2024
Camden Council has prepared a draft Planning Proposal for the Leppington Town Centre. The draft Planning Proposal includes a new masterplan, proposed changes to the planning controls (e.g., zones, heights, etc) through maps and written legislation, and supporting studies.
An update of the Leppington Town Centre precinct (formerly Leppington North) works schedule within the Camden Growth Areas Contribution Plan (CGACP) is required in response to the draft Planning Proposal.
The draft Amendment 4 to the CGACP would allow for the delivery of approximately $860 million of local infrastructure to service the community, such as additional:
- roads and upgraded intersections;
- open space including playing fields, civic parks and a lineal plaza; and
- drainage infrastructure.
The existing Leppington precinct works schedule has also been updated to reflect current values of listed items. No other additions were made.
NOTE: The Plan relating to Leppington and Leppington North (now referred to as Leppington Town Centre) was last amended in October 2019 following the IPART review for this section of the plan.
Supporting Documentation
- Camden Growth Areas Contributions Plan – Amendment 4 Main Document (PDF 1MB)
- Camden Growth Areas Contributions Plan – Amendment 4 Technical Document (PDF 18MB)
Please take a look at the draft documents and make a submission by 9am, Tuesday 6 February 2024.
Camden Growth Areas Contributions Plan
Exhibition period: 28 March to 24 April 2023
The Camden Growth Areas Contributions Plan was initially prepared in February 2017 for precincts rezoned for urban development at that time. The plan is amended as new precincts emerge to include the contributions arrangements for these areas.
The Plan was last amended in December 2022, and a third amendment is now proposed.
The Lowes Creek Maryland precinct was rezoned in July 2021 to accommodate approximately 7,000 new dwellings.
Camden Growth Areas Contributions Plan – Amendment 3 has been prepared considering the Lowes Creek Maryland rezoning and seeks to deliver approximately $444 million of local infrastructure to service the community. The infrastructure includes:
- Open space;
- Roads;
- Water quality management; and
- Land for community facilities.
Amendment 3 will enable Council to levy contributions from development in the Lowes Creek Maryland precinct to fund the delivery of this infrastructure. Amendment 3 removes the obligation for Camden Council’s contribution plan to collect for and deliver the sub arterial roads. These roads will now be delivered under the State Governments contribution scheme.
Supporting Documentation
- Camden Growth Areas Contributions Plan – Amendment 3 Main Document
- Camden Growth Areas Contributions Plan – Amendment 3 Technical Document
Printed versions of the documents are also publicly available for viewing throughout the exhibition period at:
- Council’s Customer Service Counter at 70 Central Avenue, Oran Park; and
- Our libraries in Oran Park, Camden and Narellan.
You may also find the associated Council reports and resolution of interest:
- Report – Ordinary Council Report – 14 March 2023
- Minutes - Minutes of Ordinary Council – 14 March 2023
Please take a look at the draft documents and make a submission by 9am, Monday 24 April 2023.
Voluntary Planning Agreement
143-149 Ingleburn Road, Leppington
Exhibition period: 21 March to 11 April 2023
The site at 143-149 Ingleburn Road, Leppington has two active Development Application (DA) consents for the combined creation of 60 residential lots. The proponent for the site provided a letter of offer to Camden Council requesting that a Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) for the dedication of drainage and open space land within their site be considered.
Camden Council considered this proposal on 14 March 2023 and resolved to place the matter on public exhibition for a period of 28 days. The associated Council report and VPA are provided below.
At the conclusion of the exhibition period, any unresolved submissions received will be reported back to Council for consideration. If no unresolved submissions are received during the exhibition period, the draft VPA will be executed.
Under the provisions of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, Council has the power to require development contributions toward the cost of providing services and facilities to meet the demand generated by the development. Council has a number of Contributions Plans that require contributions toward the provision of open space, recreation facilities, community facilities, roads, drainage and other community infrastructure.
Voluntary Planning Agreements provide opportunities for developers to deliver infrastructure for the community much earlier than Council would often be able to achieve, as they are already constructing works on site. By constructing works, developers can offset the development contributions they would otherwise be required to pay to Council.
This agreement applies to all requests to carry out works in full or part satisfaction of conditions of consent requiring development contributions to be made to Council.
Supporting Documentation:
- 143-149 Ingleburn Road - Voluntary Planning Agreement (PDF 1.2MB)
- Report - Agenda of Ordinary Council - Tuesday, 14 March 2023 (PDF 1.8MB)
Printed versions of the documents are also publicly available for viewing throughout the exhibition period at:
- Council’s customer service counter at 70 Central Avenue, Oran Park
- our libraries in Oran Park, Camden and Narellan
Please take a look at the associated documents and make a submission by 5pm Tuesday 11 April 2023.
Draft Catherine Park Voluntary Planning Agreement Amendment
Exhibition period: 27 July 2021 to 28 September 2021
Under the provisions of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, Council has the power to require development contributions toward the cost of providing services and facilities to meet the demand generated by the development. Council has a number of Contributions Plans that require contributions toward the provision of open space, recreation facilities, community facilities, roads, drainage and other community infrastructure.
Voluntary Planning Agreements provide opportunities for developers to deliver infrastructure for the community much earlier than Council would often be able to achieve, as they are already constructing works on site. By constructing works, developers can offset the development contributions they would otherwise be required to pay to Council.
This agreement applies to all requests to carry out works in full or part satisfaction of conditions of consent requiring development contributions to be made to Council.
The Draft Catherine Park Voluntary Planning Agreement Amendment was exhibited for a period of sixty (60) days from Tuesday 27 July 2021 to Tuesday 28 September 2021.