The NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure will now deliver Leppington Town Centre as a State-assessed rezoning.
On 6 December 2024, the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) identified Leppington Town Centre as a State-assessed Rezoning Proposal (SARP), in line with their State Significant Rezoning Policy.
This means Camden and Liverpool City councils will no longer finalise the planning proposal.
For more information, please contact DPHI on 1300 305 675 or visit:
Before DPHI identified Leppington Town Centre as a SARP, Camden and Liverpool City councils prepared and publicly exhibited the Leppington Town Centre Planning Proposal.
The tabs below show Councils’ proposed rezoning for Leppington Town Centre. DPHI may make changes to this proposal. DPHI has advised they will collaborate with councils throughout the SARP process.
Document Library
Camden and Liverpool City councils’ Planning Proposal and Supporting Documents as exhibited
Planning Proposal and SEPP maps
- Leppington Town Centre Planning Proposal (PDF 37.6MB)
- Leppington Town Centre Proposed SEPP Maps (PDF 3.1MB)
- Leppington Town Centre Existing 2013 SEPP Maps (PDF 3.5MB)
Development Control Plan
- Leppington Town Centre Development Control Plan (PDF 125MB)
Council Reports, Meeting Minutes & DPHI correspondence
- Camden Council | Meetings, agendas and minutes
- Camden Local Planning Panel Minutes - 3 August 2022 (PDF 0.5MB)
- Liverpool City Council Report and Minutes - 26 October 2022 (PDF 0.6MB)
- Camden Council Report and Minutes - 8 November 2022 (PDF 1.7MB)
- Liverpool City Council response to Local Planning Panel (PDF 0.4MB)
- Camden Council response to Local Planning Panel (PDF 0.1MB)
- DPHI request to resubmit letter (PDF 0.3MB)
- Camden Council resubmission letter to DPHI - Leppington Town Centre Gateway Determination - 30 June 2023 (PDF 3.0MB)
- Camden Council response to DPHI - Request to resubmit - 9 February 2023 (PDF 3.0MB)
- Leppington Town Centre Gateway Determination (PDF 0.3MB)
- Leppington Town Centre Gateway Report (PDF 1.3MB)
Supporting Technical Studies
- Leppington Town Centre and Precincts Traffic Modelling Report (PDF 62.1MB)
- Leppington Town Centre Utilities Assessment (PDF 25.8MB)
- Riparian Corridor and Flooding Assessment (PDF 23.7MB)
- Leppington Town Centre Place Activation and Brand Strategy (PDF 10.4MB)
- Leppington Town Centre Housing, Retail and Employment Demand Analysis (PDF 9.1MB)
- Leppington Town Centre Precinct Social Infrastructure and Open Space Assessment (PDF 5MB)
- Delivering Leppington Local Infrastructure Strategy (PDF 16.9MB)
- Leppington Town Centre Bushfire Report (PDF 5.8MB)
- Historical Technical Studies (PDF 88.1MB)
- Designing Leppington Town Centre - Urban Design and Landscape Report (PDF 71.5MB)
- Designing Leppington Town Centre - Urban Design and Landscape Report Appendices A and B (PDF 22.1MB)
- Designing Leppington Town Centre - Urban Design and Landscape Report Appendices 1-5 (PDF 111.6MB)
- Designing Leppington Town Centre - Urban Design and Landscape Report Addendum (PDF 0.5MB)
Exhibition flyer and translations
- Flyer (PDF 1.8MB)
- Assyrian (PDF 0.7MB)
- Vietnamese (PDF 0.7MB)
- Chinese Traditional (PDF 0.7MB)
- Italian (PDF 0.7MB)
- Arabic (PDF 0.7MB)
Artist Impressions
It's the year 2041.
Here's what Camden and Liverpool City Councils think
Leppington Town Centre could look like.
Councils' Proposed Masterplan
Councils’ vision for Leppington
Over the next 20 years, Leppington Town Centre will provide homes for over 25,000 people along with 11,000 jobs. Camden and Liverpool City Councils’ plan included new and expanded schools, new community facilities, parks and plazas, better roads and fast buses and trains. The map below shows the proposed 2023 masterplan. Click on the dots for additional information.
Land Zoning
Current and Proposed Land Zoning
Drag the arrow across to see what Camden and Liverpool City Councils’ proposed changes were. Or click on a map for a closer view.
Frequently Asked Questions
All existing and approved development has the right to continue under ‘existing use rights’ until such time as the land owner chooses to redevelop their land. New development applications will consider the draft zoning of the land.
No. Landowners are not obligated to sell to a developer at any time unless they choose to. Any agreement shall be a private agreement between the landowner and the developer. Council has no role in this.
With the Aerotropolis being the primary focus of new employment lands in South West Sydney, Leppington Town Centre will need to expand its role of providing much needed homes, local employment, services and a civic hub to support the concept of a 30-minute city.
The draft Planning Proposal included land use and zoning changes to the Western Parklands City Precincts SEPP in line with recommendations from the Leppington Town Centre Market Demand Analysis and in line with the changed role for Leppington Town Centre in response to the Aerotropolis. The plans for Leppington Town Centre transitioned from a largely employment-zoned business and industrial park, with pockets of separated medium density residential, to a highly integrated mixed-use Strategic Centre with a focus on residential development and provision of cultural and recreational facilities, as well as major retail and government services for the surrounding areas.
Detailed planning for infrastructure, which includes drainage, roads, open space etc. will start when DPHI finalises the SARP. This infrastructure will be delivered as surrounding development occurs.
The increase in the amount proposed open space is required to meet the needs of a larger residential population. Further information is available in the draft Planning Proposal and supporting technical studies. These can be viewed in the Document Library.
The draft Planning Proposal identified land that may be acquired by council or another acquiring authority in the future. It is important to note that land identified for acquisition is subject to change until DPHI finalises the SARP.
To facilitate the transition from rural to urban development, public infrastructure is required to help support and service the future community. For example, drainage land has been identified to provide stormwater management infrastructure. This includes the Scalabrini, Bonds and Kemps Creek corridor and drainage lines that flow into the creek. Open space land has been identified to provide local parks and sporting facilities. Land has also been identified for road infrastructure to enable development of the Leppington Town Centre Precinct for urban development.
Council has a land acquisition information guide for further guidance on this matter.
Where land is identified for acquisition by Council for a public purpose, Council is required to acquire land in line with the provisions of the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991. It is important to note that land identified for acquisition is subject to change until DPHI finalises the SARP.
Camden and Liverpool City Councils acknowledged the recommendations of the 2022 Flood Enquiry and that Leppington Town Centre is located within the South Creek catchment, which is part of the Nepean River system.
The Camden and Liverpool City Council planned rezoning of Leppington Town Centre would greatly improve Leppington Town Centre’s resilience to flooding. The draft plan removed over 60,000 m² of land, which was zoned for productive uses located on land that would be inundated during a Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) event and rezones it for public open space and special uses (primarily drainage and roads).
As part of its due diligence process, the Department of Planning and Environment identified 6 sites within Leppington Town Centre, which are intended to be zoned for residential purposes, that may be subject to inundation during a PMF event. The Gateway determination required Council to conduct additional flood studies, to determine the worst-case scenario for flooding at these sites.
Should you require further information or wish to discuss potential flood impacts, please call Camden Council on 1322 6336 or email
Camden Council prepared an amendment to the Camden Growth Areas Contributions Plan in conjunction with the Leppington Town Centre (LTC) planning proposal. The contributions plan (CP) will enable Council to fund local infrastructure to meet the demands of the future population in the LTC. This will be finalised when DPHI finalises the SARP.
Note the CP will only apply to land within the Camden local government area.
The commuter carpark is operated by Transport for NSW. Transport for NSW constructed a multi-storey commuter carpark with over 1000 car parking spaces to cater for the expected uplift in the future population. For more information on the commuter carpark, please visit Leppington Commuter Car Park | Transport for NSW.