A draft Planning Proposal for land at 5 Smalls Road, Grasmere (the subject site) is currently on notification until Wednesday 30 October 2024. The Planning Proposal is being notified for an extended period of six (6) weeks to account for school holidays.
The draft Planning Proposal is an application to amend planning controls applying to the subject site in the Camden Environmental Plan 2010 and the Camden Development Control Plan (DCP) 2019.
The draft Planning Proposal Package includes an amended masterplan, height of building map, draft DCP and supporting technical studies.
Summary of the Proposal
The draft Planning Proposal seeks to amend the Camden LEP 2010 by:
- amending the maximum height of building (HOB) standards across the subject site;
- adjusting the boundary of the E1 Local Centre Zone; and
- introducing food and drink premises and function centre as additional permitted uses on the subject site.
The draft Planning Proposal is accompanied by proposed amendments to the Camden DCP 2019.
Share Your Thoughts
We welcome your feedback about the draft Planning Proposal package by Wednesday 30 October 2024.
You can make a submission by:
- using the online submissions form (below);
- post to Camden Council, PO Box 183 Camden NSW 2570;
- email to mail@camden.nsw.gov.au
Meeting By Appointment
You are invited to register to attend a meeting with Council officers to discuss the draft plan. Meetings will be held at Council's Administration Building at 70 Central Avenue, Oran Park on 23 September, 15 October and 25 October 2024. Bookings are essential.
To book a face-to-face meeting at please click here: https://www.trybooking.com/CVKJO
Please note the allotted time per meeting is 20 minutes and the option to book a meeting will close at 4pm the day prior.
If you would like to meet and are unable to do so on the dates listed above, please contact Council officers to make alternative arrangements by calling 13 22 63 or emailing mail@camden.nsw.gov.au.
If you are unable to attend in person, please advise Council officers and an online meeting (via Microsoft Teams) can be arranged.
Please note that meetings with Council staff are confidential. No recording of such meetings is permitted without the express prior consent of Council staff. Where there is an attempt to record without consent, Council reserves the right to stop the meeting or take further action.
For General Questions regarding the 5 Smalls Road, Grasmere Planning Proposal please contact the strategic planning branch by calling 13 22 63 or sending an email to mail@camden.nsw.gov.au and quoting PP/2020/1/1.
Make a Submission
Previous Rezoning of the Subject Site
In December 2018, the subject site was rezoned from R5 Large Lot Residential to part R2 Low Density Residential, part E2 (now C2) Environmental Conservation and part B1 Neighbourhood Centre (now E1 Local Centre) to facilitate a seniors housing development on the site. The existing zoning of the subject site is shown in the image below.
Planning Proposal Lodgement and Previous Notifications
In July 2020, the proponent lodged the draft Planning Proposal with Council, concurrently with a Development Application (DA). The DA was withdrawn in September 2020.
Community members were first notified of the draft Planning Proposal in August/October 2020 and a second notification occurred in March/April 2022.
Camden Local Planning Panel
The draft Planning Proposal was reported to the Camden Local Planning Panel (CLPP) in July 2022. After amendments were made to the proposal in response to community submissions and CLPP advice the proposal was reported to the CLPP for a second time in April 2024. The minutes from the CLPP meetings can be found in the document library.
Council Meeting
At its meeting on 9 July 2024, Council considered the draft proposal and deferred the item for the following:
- a briefing of Councillors;
- an opportunity to re-notify residents of this draft Planning Proposal; and
- further consultation to take place with local residents.
Proposed Masterplan
The proposal seeks to facilitate the expansion of the existing Carrington Centennial Care development opposite the subject site at 90 Werombi Road, Grasmere. Guided by the above masterplan, the seniors living development is proposed to include:
- Residential Aged Care Facility (RACF) for 128 beds;
- Standard Independent Living Units (ILUs) (apartments) - approximately 54 units;
- Single Storey Villas ILUs - approximately 75 units;
- Assisted Living Apartments - approximately 75 units;
- Recreation Building combined with premium ILU apartments - approximately 87 units
- Wellness Centre;
- Neighbourhood Centre including a health centre (including specialist medical rooms for visiting doctors and dispensary), retail and a supermarket; and
- Childcare centre for approximately 90 children.
Height of Building and Storeys Map
The proposal seeks a targeted increase in building heights on internal parts of the site while reducing the building height at the edge of the site. The proposed changes to the building heights are achieved by:
- introducing height caps in RL AHD for buildings greater than 2 storey and
- reducing height of building from 9.5m to 7m for single storey building on the edge of the site.
The proposed height controls are supported by a detailed study into the topography of the site. To strengthen height controls a building storey map has been inserted into the draft DCP. The proposed Height of Building Map and Buildings Storeys Map are shown in the Figures below.
Proposed Height of Building Map
Proposed Building Storeys Map
E1 Local Centre Zone Amendment
The proposal seeks to amend the boundary of the E1 Local Centre zone to fully accommodate accessibility and parking requirements.
Proposed Amendment to E1 Zone Boundary
A Planning Proposal is an application to amend planning controls within an Environmental Planning Instrument (EPI), known as the Camden Local Environmental 2010 (Camden LEP).
A Planning Proposal may propose to change the zoning, permitted land uses, or development standards, such as building height, that apply to one or multiple properities.
Planning Proposals can be prepared by Council or an applicant (i.e. landowner, developer).
Carrington Park Village (the Village) provides a unique opportunity to develop a diverse seniors lifestyle village within a parkland setting leveraging off its environmental setting and the Carrington Campus situated opposite at No 90 Werombi Road. The proposal seeks to amend the Camden LEP 2010 by amending the maximum height of building (HOB) standards across the subject site and adjusting the boundary of the E1 Local Centre Zone. The proposal is also introducing food and drink premises and function center as additional permitted uses on the subject site.
No, a Planning Proposal is the first step in the process to amend the planning controls applying to land. A formal Development Application to develop the site would be required, should the Planning Proposal proceed. Development under the new controls can only occur once the Planning Proposal has been finalised, and a subsequent Development Application is approved.
A Gateway Determination (Gateway) is a document issued by the State Government which decides whether a Planning Proposal should proceed. If a favourable Gateway is received, the Gateway identifies the requirements for public exhibition of the Planning Proposal and what additional specialist studies (for example a stormwater management study) are required to support the proposal.
No. A second public exhibition / community engagement period will occur should the Planning Proposal obtain a Gateway Determination. This will provide a further opportunity for the community to provide feedback on the Planning Proposal.
Submissions and feedback received during the initial community engagement period will be considered in the assessment and on-going development of the Planning Proposal. The submissions will also be considered in the assessment report when the matter is ultimately reported to Council.
Submitters during the initial community engagement period will also be notified when Council will consider a report on the Planning Proposal.
Document Library
Planning Proposal and Supporting Documents
Planning Proposal
Development Control Plan
Council Reports, Meeting Minutes
- Council Meeting Business Paper - 9 July 2024
- Council Meeting Minutes - 9 July 2024
- Camden Local Planning Panel Meeting Minutes - 19 July 2022
- Camden Local Planning Panel Meeting Minutes - 16 April 2024
Supporting Technical Studies
- Landscape Masterplan Report
- Visual Impact Assessment
- Services Report - November 2023
- Economic Impact Assessment - February 2021
- Aeronautical Impact Assessment - August 2020
- Bushfire Assessment - April 2020
- Traffic and Access Report - April 2020
- Aboriginal Archaeological Survey Report - January 2021
- Statement of Heritage Impact - April 2020
- Phase 1 Contamination Assessment Report - May 2020
How to make a submission
During the exhibition period any person, community group, organisation or public agency may make a submission to Council concerning a Planning Proposal. Submissions can be made by completing an online form, sending an email or posting a letter.
Submissions must clearly indicate the name, address daytime contact telephone number and email address (where available) of the person making the submission and clearly specify the grounds of the submission.
Download a copy of the Community Participation Plan for more details about how to make a submission and Council's consideration of submissions.